Figure 2.15 Winter season future temperatures for the northern hemisphere (0–90°N) and Arctic (60–90°N) averaged over 36 CMIP5 global climate models and expressed as departures from the means for the 1981–2005 period. The red line is the ensemble mean for RCP8.5, the blue line is for RCP4.5. Shaded areas denote ± one standard deviation from the ensemble mean (Overland et al., 2014).
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Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA) 2017
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Figure 2.15 Winter season future temperatures for the northern hemisphere (0–90°N) and Arctic (60–90°N) averaged over 36 CMIP5 global climate models and expressed as departures from the means for the 1981–2005 period. The red line is the ensemble mean for RCP8.5, the blue line is for RCP4.5. Shaded areas denote ± one standard deviation from the ensemble mean (Overland et al., 2014).
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
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